CarboCris – stock feed additive

CarboCris - vegetal charcoal for animal feed

CarboCris – vegetal charcoal for animal feed

Wide range of application

  • CarboCris is a natural product that protects all animals from digestive disorders and diarrhea
  • CarboCris absorbs the toxins and harmful substances from animal digestive tract
  • CarboCris reduces the negative effects of enterotoxins (E.coli) and mycotoxins
  • CarboCris supports the digestion and absorption of nutrients and contributes to the improvement of animal health
  • CarboCris reduces toxic gases: ammonia, indole, skatol
  • CarboCris is used for fast solutions in all types of animals and provides specific benefits
  • CarboCris shows high efficiency in binding mycotoxins (pH 6,5): trihotecenes– 100%, DON – 75%, ZEA – 100%.

Product features

  • CarboCris is 100% natural product, thermo structured with unique technology
  • The production process of CarboCris is certified according to GMP + B2 Standard
  • CarboCris is made from inactive charcoal of special oak wood
  • CarboCris is also used in ecological agriculture
  • The optimal structure of CarboCris pores adsorbs only middle size molecules (mycotoxins) and large molecules (endotoxins) – adsorption of toxins due to Van der Waals’ forces. The vitamins and microelements are not adsorbed because of smaller molecular sizes (advantage over activated charcoal.
  • The mycotoxin binding process is very effective in the acidic pH range, as well as in alkaline conditions that represent the environment of the small intestine

Mycotoxin binding process

  • Mycotoxing binding takes place as a result of two processes that can take place simultaneously:
    • Through Van der Waals’ forces: forces that occur as a result of interaction between nuclei and electrons in particles. Polarization of individual atoms or particles is proportional to their mass. The interactions between Van der Waals forces are stronger when the distance between the particles is smaller.
    • Through – molecular bond between sorbent and adsorbent. The binding is determined by the type of mycotoxins, the chemical structures present on the surface of CarboCris.
  • In the structure of CarboCris there is also a presence of oxygen (9% on average), which is responsible for the binding of ammonia. By binding the ammonia, CarboCris prevents intestinal infections, i.e. the colonization of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract. CarboCris stops diarrhea, which is the result of these infections, by adsorption of the pathogen and their fecal secretion. However, the coal is not bactericidal, but it protects the animals from stomach and intestinal disorders.

Dosage recommendations

Animal typePreventive usage Treatment
of digestive problems
Poultry (Broilers)0,15%0,20%
Rabbits0,30 (grams/head/day)0,50 (grams/head/day)
Calf10 (grams/head/day)20 (grams/head/day)
Milk cow40 (grams/head/day)60 (grams/head/day)
Horses30 (grams/head/day)50 (grams/head/day)

Product and packaging types

  • CarboCris P (Powder)
    • from 10 µm to 56 µm
    • use in liquid and solid food
    • standard packaging: 15 kg
  • CarboCris N (Normal)
    • from 56 µm to 1040 µm
    • use in solid food
    • standard packaging: 15 kg
  • CarboCris PLUS (Sugar – dust free)
    • from 1000 µm to 2300 µm
    • use in solid food, dust free
    • standard packaging: 15 kg

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